Financial Services & Insurance
The ARC Fund’s strategy for the Financial Services portfolio is to be an investor in leading providers of products and services in the South African financial services sector and thereby having exposure to a holistic financial services offering to clients. The objective is to follow a focused financial services’ sector strategy that seeks to develop revenue synergies between investments in distribution businesses and investments in related financial services product providers.
Pursuant to this strategy, the ARC Fund, through ARC Financial Services, aims to establish a significant presence in the following underlying financial services product provider sectors: banking, asset management & insurance (life insurance, short term insurance, health), and specialist financial services businesses.
Our financial services strategy is premised on securing a significant position in the distribution of financial services products and accelerating the growth of financial services product providers within its portfolio. ARC Financial Services may invest in start-up businesses whose revenue growth can be expected to be significantly enhanced by access to the underlying distribution businesses.
All of ARC Fund’s interests in the financial services sector will be acquired through ARC Financial Services.
Banking | Asset Management | Insurance | Specialist Financial Services